Thursday, July 9, 2009

Role Reversal

I am in my 40's and have been teaching for almost 20 years now. I remember when I was a first or second year teacher sitting in a workshop that talked about gang violence in the area. The police officers talked about the recent gang-related crimes, home burglaries and drug-related crimes that have increased in the area (Pittsburgh) and the schools. I remember like it was yesterday how they put up on the board the percentages of those crimes being committed by black or Hispanic males. The officers would inform the teachers what to look out for...the color of clothes the person wore, the gang signs students may use or write on the walls or desks and of course, the color of their skin. Our country has racially profiled for a long time now, way before 9/11 occurred. But we need to be aware that times are changing and "roles" are being reversed. More than a decade or more ago our society viewed black, Hispanics or any person of color as one that was uneducated, unskilled and a serious problem to the fabric of lives.
In the Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, the author explains clearly how 72% of child molestation crimes are committed by white males or females. You can't watch Headline News without seeing a crime against children involving a white criminal (example: Casey Anthony case). There is a recent case on the news of an 11-yr old girl being abducted in the state of Washington. What are the chances of her abductor being white? Numbers do not lie, people do.
If you look at the number of serial killers,, they are typically white. In fact, 73% of them are white. It is extremely rare to have a serial killer that is black, Hispanic or Asian.
Although domestic violence crimes have been reported to decrease or stay steady, the partner related crimes for white males have increased from 0.5 to 1.1 but that is per1000 males over the age of 12. I look for this trend to continue given the state of our economy. Stress has seemed to increase among partners especially when it comes to finances (See the Steve McNair story) and infidelity.
Was Darwin right in that animals change over time and adapt to their environment? Well, if he is, then our society and its people have truly changed and roles have certainly been reversed. People struggle to adapt to an environment that is constantly changing and changing fast. Where is our society, our children, our schools headed? Only time can tell, but if this trend continues then hatred will rule our lives.
Is there any hope for a brighter today and a peaceful tomorrow? Maybe we should invest in the themes in the Bible. It may serve as a guide to live life to the fullest. It is a storehouse of wonderful stories of triumph for children and adults. It is a source book for everyday living. It is a treasury of insight. Most importantly it is a refuge in trouble. People in pain, in suffering, in mourning and in prison have turned to it in desperate hours for strength and hope. I am not pushing religion or belief in the bible by any means, but maybe our society needs to take a different path than the one we are heading down.
I leave you with a quote from Albert Schweitzer...

Ethics, too, are nothing but reverence for life. This is what gives me the fundamental principle of morality, namely, that good consists in maintaining, promoting, and enhancing life, and that destroying, injuring, and limiting life are evil.


  1. Once again, Dutch, you got me thinking. Your writing is very powerful that way. You pose some interesting thoughts that we as a society do need to explore. Again, your inclusion of quotes and statistics gives credibility to your written word.

  2. Dutch,
    Your strong commitment to cultural change is again very evident in your writing. The quotes and statistics support your position and strengthen your point.It appears, from your statistics, that our society is on a downward spiral. I tend to focus more on the individuals I come in contact with in my classroom rather than the big picture. I see hope and change on that front, which afterall, is what I can do. If we all would just do what we could do there would be a change. Thank you for keeping these issues in front of us.
