Friday, July 10, 2009

Can we really ignore these numbers?

I am a person of color that has been teaching in inner-city schools for almost 20 years now. Like every other adult out there, I am deeply concerned and have been for awhile about the direction of America's culture through it's economy, schools, educational institutions, families and more important it's youth. As a math teacher, I am always looking for patterns and numbers. Numbers tell a scary observation.

1. Abortion rate: This is from Fox news ... Abortion rates among black women far exceed the rates of other groups.

2. High-Risk Population: In the article, "Respect your mind, protect your body", the author states The African-American rate of HIV/AIDS infection is five times higher than that for Caucasians; 38 percent AIDS cases reported to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been African-American.
  • Reported primary and secondary syphilis rates among 15 - 19 year old males and females are higher for African Americans than for other racial and ethnic groups.
  • Among all racial, ethnic and age categories, gonorrhea rates were highest in 1999 for African Americans ages 15 - 24 years.
The African-American teen birth rate remains at 85.3 births per 1,000 women, almost double the rate for Caucasian teens of 45.4 births per 1,000 women.

3. Child Molesters: from

"Of the 9,700 sex offenders, 67 percent were white males and 32 percent were black males."
Blacks are 15% of the country and commit 32% of molestations. So the average black man is more likely to be a child molester than a white man based on race. Also keep in mind the 67% white includes Hispanics, who are counted as white.

4. Crime Rates:

* Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
* When blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.

5. Prisons: Blacks make up the majority of our prisons. This is from the NY Times (2003) ...
Prison rates among blacks reach an all-time peak.

6. Infidelity:
Black men are more likely to cheat on partners than any other race (32%). Whites are second at 20%. See the Steve McNair story. Here are two answers to this question from

"I'm currently dating a black man, and not only has he cheated on me, but he also lies to me more than any of the other men I've dated."

"Out of all the boyfriends I've ever had, it was the black ones that cheated. even my friends who have or have had black boyfriends/husbands, most of them have cheated."

7. Standardized/Intelligence Scores: Blacks, along with Hispanics, score the lowest on these tests than any other race. Although critics may argue that the standardized tests are culturally biased, these tests are still required to be taken in our schools.

Blacks have made contributions to our society through music, dance and sports, but do they outweigh the erosion they have caused in our society. Who is at fault in the destruction of our families, schools, communities and our economy?

1 comment:

  1. Dutch,
    I am also an inner city teacher. First in Indiana and now in Baltimore, MD. The statistics you quote are alarming. I teach special education and there are also an inordinate number of African Americans identified as special education students, especially males and especially with the emotionally disabled label. I have pondered this problem and it disturbs me. Does our present system of education need an overhaul to make it more male and culture friendly? Are our methods unsuccessfull for this population because of bias or insensitivity to differences? Our politicians and educators spout platitudes about equality, but are our institutions really based on equality? These are questions no one seems to want to address.
    Thank you for the information you published here. I am not a person of color as a matter of fact my students have referred to me as "the skinny white bitch." We need to find some answers to combat some of these problems and stop sweeping them under the rug of political sound bites.
    Your writing is succinct and clear. Great research!
